Haimishly Origins
April 16, 2021
Hello there visitor,
I have a story for you!
It’s apropos that I’m drinking coffee in one of our local shops (aptly named Good Neighbors Meeting House) as I reflect on this story that started about a year ago. Unbeknownst to me, the story would continue to surprise with one fortuitous chapter after the next.
When a gregarious neighborhood 11 year old named Lincoln (dubbed the "neighborhood mayor") had his beloved bike stolen, many friends in my network quickly reached out to donate money to purchase him a new one. With my Venmo rich with generosity for a super tricked-out ride, I went to track down Lincoln’s parents to deliver the donations. A few streets over from my own home, I arrived at an inviting, warm red door one would imagine a little mayor might live behind. It was haimish.
haimish [hey-mish] friendly, warm, relaxed, cozy, unpretentious.
Behind that haimish door, I was greeted by a man that the word, the door, and the son fittingly matched: Jeremy Reeves. And that, quite simply, is where the new chapter begins. You see, Jeremy Reeves is now my partner at haimish studios.
We are a trio at haimish. Along with Martin Drexler, an equally haimish and internationally-award-winning designer (responsible for our RAD new logo), we are a creative design and problem-solving studio. We live in the same neighborhood, our studio is right down the street, and we are great friends. Our practice and goal is to develop the same sort of haimish feeling with all our clients: we are brand-friends to all we work with, because that's who we are, and that's how good design is done. It’s all just so very haimish.
At the end of the day I owe great thanks to the muse of this story, Lincoln Reeves, who we still see regularly on his mayoral circuit when he comes to tire out our new puppy, Frankie Bobby Ravioli.
P.S. Grandma, I hope you like our use of a Yiddish word.
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Tattleware or Trust
"Every click you make, every break you take, I'll be watching you." ––Your Boss
Just the Way Things Are
The Negative Power of Detrimental Culture and How to Begin to Change It.