We are haimish

Haimish is welcome, warmth, and friendly partnership that produces common good. When Mari’s grandmother experienced the inviting and stable connection with a friend in a cozy home, she called it haimish. We came together as a team when we realized that haimish is what we are trying to help our clients achieve with the people they serve: a deep and authentic belonging for the sake of the common good.



We are endlessly curious, and it shows in our individual experiences. Martin is a climber, painter, award-winning UX/UI designer, history buff, and immigrant from Germany. Mari is a socialworker, documentary short-film maker, philosophy buff, climber, and asker of searching questions. Jeremy is a writer, reader, theology buff, climber and teller of ordinary stories. Add all of this up and you get an unexpected melody of uncommon creativity.


Socialwork, film-making, UX/UI, writing, theology, e-commerce, graphic design,philosophy, team-building, and making coffee.  We approach all of ourprojects with multi-disciplinary interest and high expectation.

What we do

Company Culture

Humans connect with companies they understand - employees perform higher and customers engage more. We help you develop your company culture to create connection.

Verbal Identity

How does your brand sound in public, on a website, in video, on social? We create a brand personality, brand voice, and messaging strategy so your brand knows what to say and how to say it.

Visual Identity

Your brand deserves an identity authentic to your highest aspirations. We craft a logo, submarks, color palette, and font to present your brand in its truest form.

Web Presence

How will your community connect with your brand? We develop an on-brand website to clearly tell your story, including ecommerce, communication, and messaging creative.

Video and Photography

We are a visual species; we interact with the world most fully through our sense of sight. We generate video and photography for education, connection, and transformation.


People don’t know what they don’t know. We can help pull the curtain back, shedding new light on seemingly intractable issues, teaching creative techniques, design principles, story telling, and people connection. We are currently teaching  at Denver University and the World Trade Center.


We listen deeply, organizing and systematizing our clients’ truest selves.

haimish understands.


We develop our clients visual and verbal identity to clearly express who they are.

haimish Identity branding


We create our clients' public presence to show them off—in a website, video, product and package design, signage. Creativity that tells our client’s story so their community engages and connects.

haimish branding outcomes